Prenatal DNA Testing: Choosing the Right Option Near You

Prenatal DNA Test

Understanding Prenatal DNA Testing

Prenatal DNA testing, also known as prenatal paternity testing, is a process that determines the biological father of a baby before birth. This test can be a source of emotional relief and clarity for expectant parents, providing answers during pregnancy.

The Importance of Prenatal DNA Testing

Determining paternity early in pregnancy can offer many advantages, from emotional and financial clarity to ensuring the baby’s medical history is accurate. Understanding who the biological father is can be critical for medical decision-making and future planning. It also helps solidify family bonds and provides peace of mind for parents as they prepare for the birth of their child.

Types of Prenatal DNA Testing Near You

Non-Invasive Prenatal Paternity Test (NIPP)

This is the safest and most accurate method, involving a blood draw from the mother and a saliva sample from the potential father. The test isolates fetal DNA from the mother's bloodstream, ensuring high accuracy without risk to the baby or mother.


This is an invasive test that involves extracting amniotic fluid with a needle inserted into the mother's abdomen. Although it’s more commonly used for diagnosing genetic conditions, it can also determine paternity. However, there are associated risks, such as miscarriage.

Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS)

Like amniocentesis, CVS is invasive and used primarily for genetic testing. It involves collecting placental tissue. It carries similar risks and is less commonly used for paternity testing.

Ultrasound and Sonograms

Although not a direct form of paternity testing, ultrasounds can provide clues about the baby's physical traits. However, these are not definitive and should not be relied upon for paternity confirmation.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Prenatal DNA Testing Near You

When selecting the right option, consider the following:

  • Safety: Non-invasive tests, such as NIPP, are safer than invasive procedures like amniocentesis or CVS.

  • Accuracy: Ensure the testing method provides a high accuracy rate—most reliable tests will offer over 99.9% accuracy.

  • Cost: The cost of these tests can vary, so it's essential to understand your budget, potential insurance coverage, and any hidden fees.

  • Timing: Non-invasive tests can be done as early as 7 weeks into pregnancy, providing quicker answers.

  • Medical Necessity: If there are other medical concerns, invasive tests might be recommended, but they carry added risks.

The Testing Process

Non-Invasive Testing:  

For NIPP, a blood sample from the mother and a cheek swab from the alleged father are sent to a lab. The process is quick, safe, and results are typically available within 5 to 7 business days.  

Invasive Testing (Amniocentesis or CVS):  

These tests involve extracting fluid or tissue samples from the womb and carry more risk. Results take longer due to the complexity of the testing process.

Can You Get a Prenatal Paternity Test Near You?

Absolutely! We offer non-invasive prenatal paternity tests, available at convenient locations. Simply provide your zip code, and we’ll find a testing center near you. Our tests can confirm paternity as early as 7 weeks into pregnancy.

Real-Life Examples of Prenatal DNA Testing

Emotional Relief: A couple facing uncertainty about paternity opted for a non-invasive prenatal test. The results provided clarity early in the pregnancy, allowing them to focus on preparations for their baby’s arrival without additional stress.

Medical Decisions: In another case, amniocentesis was chosen not only to confirm paternity but also to assess genetic conditions. This allowed the family to make informed medical decisions and prepare for the future.

Benefits and Considerations

While prenatal DNA testing provides peace of mind, it’s essential to consider the financial, emotional, and medical impacts. Consulting a healthcare provider or genetic counselor can help you make an informed decision. 

Additionally, non-invasive testing is safer and offers earlier results, while invasive procedures may be necessary if genetic testing is also required.

Cost Comparisons

How Much Does A DNA Test Cost

Expert Insights

According to the American Pregnancy Association, a national health organization committed to ongoing reproductive research and education, “Non-invasive prenatal paternity testing is the safest option for determining paternity during pregnancy. It provides accurate results without the risks associated with invasive procedures.”

Frequently Asked Questions About Prenatal DNA Tests

What is a non-invasive prenatal paternity test?

A non-invasive prenatal paternity test determines who the father is before the baby is born. While the mom is pregnant, the DNA profile of the baby is determined from free-floating fetal cells found in the mom’s blood sample. The baby’s profile is compared to the DNA profile of the man tested—his DNA is collected by a simple mouth swab. In situations where a mouth swab is not available, we can also process other samples including fingernail clippings, cigarette butts, ear swabs, etc for the potential father. A report is then generated to show if the man tested is or is not the biological father.

How does the NIPP Test Work?

Early in pregnancy, the baby’s DNA can be detected in the mother’s bloodstream using highly sensitive equipment. We can separate the fetal DNA from the mother’s DNA to create a DNA profile for the baby. We then use the baby’s profile to test the baby’s DNA against the potential father’s DNA to determine with 99.9% confidence whether he is the father.

Is the Certainty Prenatal Paternity Test report court-admissible?

If a Legal Test is selected, our prenatal paternity test follows a strict chain-of-custody process with the DNA sample collection witnessed, giving you legal, court-admissible paternity test results. Some people choose to collect the possible father’s DNA sample at home with just a cheek swab, in which case the results are not court-admissible because we cannot verify the DNA was collected from that man.

How are DNA samples collected?

Prenatal paternity test DNA samples typically include a blood draw from the mother and a cheek swab from the possible father. We’ve recently added the capability to test several alternate DNA sample types for the possible father, including cigarette butts, fingernail clippings, and ear swabs.

Are there any restrictions for paternity testing while pregnant?

To undergo a prenatal paternity test, the woman must be at least 7 weeks into her pregnancy. If a woman is expecting twins or multiple babies, a prenatal paternity test is not feasible. It is not possible to conduct testing when two potential fathers have a close biological relationship.

What samples can we accept from the Mother?

We can only accept a blood sample using our Certainty NIPP kits.

What samples can we accept from the Father?

In legal cases, we can accept either a buccal (cheek) swab or a blood sample as suitable forms of DNA collection. For non-legal cases, our range of acceptable samples extends to blood found on items, fingernails or toenails, ear swabs, cigarette butts, mucus, saliva, or semen/condom.

What payment plans do you offer?

Speak with a member of our compassionate, knowledgeable customer service team and discover testing options and payment plans that are best for your situation.

What does “non-invasive” mean?

“Non-invasive” means there is no need to intrude into the baby’s safe environment to test for paternity. Instead, we collect only a blood sample from the mom’s arm, and a cheek-swab sample from the father.

What does “over 99.9% accurate” mean? Could my test be wrong?

The Certainty NIPP Test result compares the baby’s DNA with the DNA of the father, and if there’s a very close match, your test will read “Probability of Paternity: >99.9%”. If there is not a close match, the probability of paternity will be “0%”. Because there is always a possibility that another man could have nearly identical DNA to the true father, a paternity test result can never read “100%”. However, the results of the test are guaranteed. When your samples arrive at the lab, they are processed twice by two different teams. Afterward, the results are compared to make sure they are identical. All tests are reviewed by our in-house Ph.D. DNA experts to ensure accuracy every time.

Certifications and Lab Credentials

Our partner lab, DNA Diagnostics Center (DDC), is fully accredited by AABB and CAP, ensuring that your test results are accurate and trustworthy. These certifications guarantee the highest standards of testing quality and reliability.


Prenatal DNA testing provides a valuable opportunity to address paternity questions early, offering peace of mind and clarity. When choosing the right testing option, consider safety, accuracy, cost, and timing. Consulting healthcare professionals and genetic counselors will ensure you make an informed decision. Whether through a non-invasive method or a medically necessary invasive procedure, prenatal DNA testing empowers parents to plan confidently for their family’s future.


Prenatal DNA Testing in Alabama


How Much Does a Prenatal Paternity Test Cost?