How Accurate Are Home DNA Paternity Tests?


In the realm of establishing biological connections, DNA paternity testing stands as a paramount tool. Embraced by both legal and scientific communities, this method proves to be a safe and remarkably effective means of unveiling the biological tie between a child and their potential father. This article delves into the depths of DNA paternity testing, its accuracy, applications, and various methods, shedding light on a practice that has transformed the way we comprehend familial bonds.

Deciphering DNA Paternity Testing

At its core, DNA paternity testing revolves around the identification of a child's biological father. This process entails a comparison of genetic code derived from samples taken from the alleged or prospective father and the child in question. Spanning from pre-birth to post-birth stages, these tests have emerged as a pinnacle of accuracy, enabling the establishment of paternity beyond doubt.

Understanding DNA: The Blueprint of Life

To grasp the significance of DNA paternity testing, it's crucial to fathom the essence of DNA itself. Deoxyribonucleic acid, abbreviated as DNA, serves as a complex repository of genetic information. Analogous to a cookbook of instructions governing our physical development and functioning, DNA resides within chromosomes scattered across our body's cells. Each individual inherits two sets of chromosomes—one from their mother and the other from their father.

Exploring DNA Paternity Testing Methods

Two primary methods of DNA paternity testing post-birth include blood tests and saliva (cheek swab) tests. Both methods stand as paragons of accuracy, yet their execution differs based on individual preferences and purposes.

  • Blood Tests: Executed within medical facilities, blood tests extract DNA from blood samples. These samples are sent to laboratories for comprehensive analysis. Typically reserved for legal purposes, blood tests require professional administration.

  • At-Home Tests: A modern alternative, at-home DNA paternity tests offer accessibility and ease. These tests can be ordered online or purchased at local pharmacies, allowing individuals to collect samples in the privacy of their homes. After samples are sent to a laboratory, a series of DNA sequencing tests are conducted, comparing the genetic code of the child with that of the potential father. Results, available within days to a week, depend on the testing kit's specifications.

When selecting an at-home DNA paternity test, several factors merit consideration:

  • Inclusion of lab fees

  • Turnaround time for results

  • Ease of sample collection

  • Number of DNA markers employed

  • Access to results

  • Cost of the testing kit

While some at-home tests involve saliva samples collected at home and sent to labs for analysis, the research underscores the effectiveness of mouth swab (saliva) tests. These tests boast up to 99.9% accuracy in establishing paternity, rendering at-home and lab-based saliva tests equally reliable, provided legal validation is not a requisite.

Pioneering Pre-Birth DNA Paternity Testing

Apart from post-birth methods, DNA paternity testing extends its purview to the prenatal stage. Non-invasive prenatal paternity testing (NIPP), chorionic villus sampling (CVS), and amniocentesis are employed to establish paternity before birth. While these pre-birth techniques are equally accurate, they necessitate professional administration and cannot be conducted at home.

The Conundrum of Covert DNA Testing

While the notion of conducting a DNA test without the knowledge of the potential father exists, its implications deserve scrutiny. Such tests, known as "non-legal" paternity tests, yield results for personal insight only. Several avenues can be explored, including collecting samples from first-degree relatives or utilizing non-traditional DNA sources like hair clippings or toothbrushes.

Unveiling the Motivations for Paternity Testing

A myriad of reasons propel individuals towards DNA paternity testing. These include:

  • Child custody concerns

  • Medical necessities

  • Legal rights, including child support

  • Long-term healthcare considerations

At-home test kits emerge as reliable and secure mechanisms to ascertain paternity within the confines of one's home. The path to understanding DNA paternity testing begins with dialogue—engage with your healthcare provider to explore the ideal testing method aligned with your distinct requisites.

Frequently Asked Questions

What do I need to do to get a home paternity test?

To get a home paternity test, you can order it online now. NOTE: Per the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH), New York residents can only do a legal paternity test. See testing guidelines for New York State here.

Can I do a home paternity test if I need results for child support or custody?

No; you should not do a home paternity test if you need results for child support, custody, or any other legal reason. Courts do not accept results unless they are from a legal DNA test that maintains a strict chain-of-custody process. If you need results for court, contact one of our specialists for a no-obligation, free consultation at 302.527.1789.

How soon can you DNA test a baby after birth?

You can DNA test a baby after birth as soon as the baby has been cleaned up by hospital staff. Because a cheek swab is used, it’s important that the baby’s mouth be free from meconium, amniotic fluid, breast milk, or formula when doing the DNA collection.

What types of samples does GameDay DNA use for a home paternity test?

DNA is collected by test participants at home, using cheek swabs (also called buccal swabs). Cheek swabbing is a quick and painless way to collect cheek cells containing DNA. This is not a saliva test. To prevent swabs from getting “too wet,” avoid gum areas and do not spit on the swabs. If they seem very wet, wave swabs in the full instructions for air for 60 seconds prior to placing them in the paper sample envelopes.

See full instructions for at-home DNA collection here.

Is there a difference in accuracy between cheek swabs and blood?

No, there is no difference in accuracy between cheek swabs and blood samples. DNA is the same in every cell of a person’s body, regardless of whether it is a blood cell or a cheek cell. It has been demonstrated that DNA from a blood or cheek swab sample from the same person produces identical paternity test results.

Can a home paternity test be performed without the mother?

Yes; a home paternity test can be performed without the mother. If the mom cannot or does not want to be tested, we can still perform a home paternity test. A “motherless” test could require more extensive analysis to produce conclusive results, but the results are just as accurate as those of a standard paternity test with the mother included. Keep in mind that consent from a legal parent or guardian must be obtained for testing a minor child. If the mother participates in a home paternity test, she is guaranteed to receive a copy of the test results.

Are home paternity tests accurate?

Home paternity test results are accurate for the samples provided to the laboratory. For at-home testing, the lab relies on test participants to make sure the samples being analyzed by the lab belong to the correct people. If you do not trust other participants’ integrity with submitting correct samples, you can either make sure you’re all together in the same room during swabbing or you should choose a legal paternity test (with witnessed DNA collection) instead.

The DDC Dual Process™ system adds an extra layer of surety to the accuracy of your test results. Each post-natal paternity test is performed twice by independent teams, so you can be confident in your results.

What happens if the tested parties live in different cities or states?

The easiest thing to do if tested parties live in different cities or states is to call us during business hours at 302.527.1789 to set up the test, and we’ll take care of sending DNA-collection kits to the different locations.

Can a paternity test be performed if the alleged father is missing or deceased?

A paternity test cannot be performed if the alleged father is missing or if he is deceased and no blood card is available from the funeral home. However, other testing options are available in these types of situations. GameDay DNA specializes in finding alternative family members to test to determine the true biological father.

Other tests include:

We’re ready to help. Call us at 302.527.1789

I live in New York State. Can I do a home paternity test?

Per the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH), New York residents can only do a legal paternity test with a prescription from their doctor or attorney. See testing guidelines for New York State here.

How long does it take to get DNA paternity test results for a home test?

Results are posted 2 business days after samples are received at the lab. 1-day or same-day results once samples arrive at the lab are available for an additional fee.

How will I receive my results?

For security reasons, we will only send a copy of your results via email to tested parties.

Can I use my home paternity test results to obtain child support?

No; home paternity test results cannot be used to obtain child support. Because a strict chain-of-custody process with supervised DNA collection hasn’t been followed for a home paternity test, results are not accepted for any legal reason and are not recognized in courts. If you anticipate needing results for legal reasons, order a legal paternity test.

How much does a home paternity test cost?

Our home DNA paternity test (for personal knowledge and peace of mind only) costs $179 to $225.

What forms of payment do you accept?

We accept the following forms of payment:

  • Visa

  • MasterCard

  • American Express

  • Discover

  • Pre-paid credit cards

Do you protect my privacy?

We take our customers’ privacy very seriously: both for your case and your DNA data.

  • We will not release any information about your case to anyone without your authorization.

  • We will always follow any special instructions you give us for communicating with you or other parties involved in your test.

  • We never release test results over the phone.

In Conclusion

DNA paternity testing encapsulates the marvels of science and genetics, fostering clarity and certainty in establishing biological connections. From post-birth to pre-birth methodologies, this practice bridges gaps resolves uncertainties, and empowers individuals with profound insights into their familial ties. As science progresses and DNA testing methods evolve, consulting healthcare professionals and selecting reputable testing providers remain integral to harnessing the benefits of DNA paternity testing.

Follow us on Instagram and Twitter! If you have questions about paternity tests or other DNA testing services, please contact our Client Support Center at 302-529-1789, Mon-Sunday from 8:00 AM to 9:00 PM Eastern Time. Our friendly, expert representatives are ready and happy to help. Get answers anytime by visiting our Help Center.


Top 10 Questions about Prenatal Paternity Tests


DNA Paternity Testing Samples: Blood, Spit, or Cheek Swabs?